An Introduction to Growth Wheel & Quad Tank Pitch Prep
Each person who submits an application to the
Quad-Tank Pitch Competition
will automatically be registered to attend this class.
While attending the class is optional, it is highly recommended as a way for you to put together a pitch with the most likelihood of winning the Quad-Tank Pitch Competition.
GrowthWheel for Entrepreneurs —Visual tools that will wow you!
GrowthWheel is a visual toolbox and cloud-based platform used by Virginia SBDC Business Advisors to help entrepreneurs and growth companies make decisions and take action.
Watch this 3 minute presentation of what GrowthWheel is and how it can be used with a certified Growth Wheel advisor to plan and grow your business through a more structured process.
In this class, we will discuss basic Growth Wheel concepts in a bit more depth than this video. We will focus on how you can use these principles in growing your business AND building a winning Quad Tank Pitch at the Quad County Business Summit on October 2.
In addition to learning more about Growth Wheel principles, this class will present tips and best practices for developing the content and delivery of your Pitch, preparing to answer questions from the judges, and, hopefully, how to be a gracious winner (or even, a non-prize winner who has made progress in moving your business concept forward and, perhaps, gaining some local supporters).
There is NO FEE for this Class.
This class is ONLY for individuals who have submitted an application for the Quad-Tank Pitch Competition at the Quad County Business Summit, October, 2, 2019.
Date: Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Time: 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
LocationOrange County Board of Supervisors Room
112 West Main Street
Orange Virginia 22960