Rio+29 Road Construction Survival Guide: Creative Marketing Tactics (Morning Session)
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Seminole Trail Volunteer Fire Department
3055 Berkmar Drive
Charlottesville Virginia 22901
Come learn what’s being planned for you… learn some Creative Marketing Tactics to best survive the Rio+29 Road Construction, and help brainstorm grassroots efforts you can pursue to enhance the effect on sales in your business and throughout the Rio+29 shopping area during and after the road construction.
Join this interactive workshop to learn more about the overall marketing campaign being planned for the Rio+29 shopping area, learn ways that you can develop business-specific marketing that gets noticed, and brainstorm guerilla marketing ideas you can use to attract customers to your place of business through your own efforts and/or by combining forces with neighbor businesses.
Virginia SBDC Network Retail Expert, Marc Willson will lead the brainstorming session.
Marc will also be available, by appointment, for one-on-one site visits in Charlottesville or Albemarle County March 2 and 3 to develop and share his marketing and merchandising assessment of your business. To schedule, please call the SBDC at 434-295-8198.
Date: Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Time: 8:00 am - 10:00 am
LocationSeminole Trail Volunteer Fire Department
3055 Berkmar Drive
Charlottesville Virginia 22901
Registration closed for this event.