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SBA National Small Business Week Events

Monday, April 30, 2018 - Saturday, May 5, 2018

In honor of National Small Business Week, the Central Virginia SBDC is offering opportunities to participate in the celebration – both live and online!  See a list of events below:

Monday, April 30:  Start, Grow, Succeed.  A Facebook live event featuring Rhonda Abrams (2:00 pm)

Start, Grow, Succeed: Insider’s Secrets from America’s Leading Small Business Guru and America’s SBDC Network
 In honor of National Small Business Week, I’m partnering with America’s SBDC network for a Facebook Live event. Meet me on my Facebook page, bring your questions, and I’ll answer them live! 
Ask a question or leave a comment during the event and we’ll enter you into a drawing for one of three signed copies of the 4th edition of my book, Six-Week Startup, hot off the press. But this event is for business owners at all stages of development, not just startups.
Facebook Live
Day: Monday, April 30, 2018 at 2:00pm EDT
How to join:
Go to my Facebook page
2. Look for the live video at the top of my feed.

3. Ask a question in the comments section of the video. 

Mark your calendars!

Tuesday – Thursday, May 1 – 3:  NSBW Virtual Conference

Banner for national small business week virtual conference

The U.S. Small Business Administration and SCORE Association will host a free, 3-Day Virtual Conference during National Small Business Week. The conference will take place Tuesday, May 1 – Thursday, May 3 between 12:30 pm ET – 6:30 pm ET each day. Registration is free to the public. Participate in all the webinars or pick and choose the topics you like.  You will also have the opportunity to meet other business owners and chat with industry experts. The Virtual Conference offers all the best parts of an in-person conference, but without the hassle of traveling.

For a full list of webinars, more information or to register


Tuesday, May 1:  Webinar:  Common HR Mistakes Small Businesses Make  (2:00 – 3:00 pm)

As a small business owner, you will make a few mistakes along the way. The key thing is knowing how to avoid the big, expensive ones. In this lively webinar, USA TODAY small business columnist Steve Strauss shares the common mistakes that small businesses make and solutions to help you avoid them.

For more information/register


Wednesday, May 2:  Open House and Marketing Workshop at the CV SBDC

Open House:

Come see our new office space, meet our staff, and learn more about what the Central Virginia Small Business Development Center can do for you and your business.

Please join us any time between 10:00 am – 12:00 pm and stay for a few minutes or stay for the duration!

For more information

Marketing Workshop:

Please join us at 11:30 am (upstairs from our offices) and watch a workshop hosted and livestreamed by Google, Build a Local Search Presence, where you will learn how to more effectively “be found” online by customers in your area.

Afterwards, William Roy, Senior Executive of Sales at digital marketing firm IMMERGE will be available (in person) to answer all of your questions.

This is a free event with lunch included – registration required.

For more information/register


Thursday, May 3:  Webinar:  Powerful Technology Creates Meaningful Connections (noon-1:00 pm)

Connect. Grow. Scale.

These are things that ambitious small-business owners are attempting to accomplish every day. It’s not always easy—but it can be possible thanks to help from evolving technologies. From the internet, smart devices, data analysis and more, entrepreneurs can leverage technology to connect employees, connect systems and connect with customers.

Please join us on Thursday, May 3 from noon – 1:00 pm for an informative webinar which will speak to these very topics. Organized by Comcast Business and Entrepreneur, this webinar will break down how thriving companies are using technology to create more efficient and streamlined practices that keep people at the center.

For more information/register

Thursday, May 3:  Webinar:  Why HR Should Matter to Small Businesses Now More than Ever (3:00 – 3:45 pm)

Join Washington Post business columnist Gene Marks and labor law attorney Shanna Wall for a lively discussion on human resources issues affecting you and your employees in 2018.

For more information/register


April 3- – May 4:  Daily Webcasts Hosted by the Internal Revenue Service (11:00 am and 1:00 pm)

Designed to help small business owners and self-employed individuals navigate common tax situations, these 30-minute sessions will repeat at 11:00am and1:00pm. (Closed Captioning will be available during session two.)

To register for any of these sessions, visit the IRS site here:


New National Small Business Week events may be added – so be sure to check back!

Date: Monday, April 30, 2018 - Saturday, May 5, 2018

Time: All Day

Call (434) 979-5610