WEBINAR: Creating an Online Conference/Summit: Strategy, Tips and Tools to Host a Web-Based Educational Event
Thursday, March 7, 2019
More than any other time in history, we are digitally connected. And, this connectedness to the Internet can also bring people together across long distances. As a Small Business, you can be the hub for such a digital gathering for learning, sharing, and networking. Whereas traditional conferences/summits require travel, hotels and more, the Internet is the new travel-free destination for these unique Web-based events.
Are you interested in creating an online conference/summit? That’s the topic of this Web-based presentation!
Join us in this Webinar to learn:
● Why would you want to host an online conference/summit?
● What are some strategies and tips for getting the most out of an online conference/summit?
● What tools are to help you create an online conference/summit?
Date: Thursday, March 7, 2019
Time: 12:15 pm - 1:15 pm