Creating Jobs & Hiring Employees
Betty Hoge, Director of the CV SBDC will talk to you about what it takes to design a new employee position; how to prepare to recruit for that position; steps in the selection process; hiring a candidate, paperwork and orientation, training new employees to be productive; and tips on managing, motivating, and increasing the value of your new employee (and any existing employees) once they come on board.
Sean McCusty of the Piedmont Workforce Network will fill you in on regional programs available to assist you in the recruiting process, training, and potential ways to help offset the costs associated with creating a new job and/or hiring a new employee.
Whether you’re ready to create a new job position, hire a new employee for an existing position, or just want to start learning more now about what your business will need to do as it continues to grow, this seminar will cover the basics and give you the confidence to hire the right person for the right job.
Date: Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Time: 9:00 am - 11:00 am
Registration closed for this event.